Tuesday, January 21, 2014

like.. whao.. Oculus Rift in spaaaaaaaaaacce.

So I got the Rift in the mail on Monday night.

Space in the Rift is kinda of like... " ..Hnnnngggg... "

Putting the Rift on is like bending time and space itself to do your bidding. You like explosions right? They're pretty cool? Wrong. Those explosions are for pussies. Explosions as you know them are more like 99 cent firecrackers until you put a Rift on. You literally see and feel depth with the rift in a way you can't explain, convey, or visualize on a flat monitor. The sheer awesomeness of all content that ever was or ever will be is multiplied by a factor of ten with the Rift.

Ah, you think I'm exaggerating by now.




Negatory, sir.

This thing melts faces. If it wasn't for this Dev Kits' twinky 1280x800 display I'm pretty sure I would have stapled my eyelids open and played science until the sun came up and negotiated my surrender.

I'm going to do everything I possibly can in Brevis to make people crap their khakis while playing. I hope you like awesome stuff, because in 2014 there will be plenty to go around.

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