The system is pretty flexible, and I could scale a variety of AI and weapons from this one system. I separated the FSMs to be serving more concise purposes and they're communicating based on some rough rules which seems to be able to keep it behaving like I want.
Combat was the most significant addition, I've added a Lead Target action which allows me to input the estimated weapon projectile speed and the enemy will steer toward an intercept point when it acquires a target. This is going to be really cool when I get the homing missiles added and they have to lock on to you before firing. Setting that up is nearly trivial, just change the weapon speed for the lock-on, change the conditions for firing to require a bool and he would start firing homing missiles after locking on with rudimentary intelligence.
I wish I had time to make this like I really want. There are so many really amazing algorithms, ideas, and methods to create hugely scaleable AI that has much better locomotion than these guys but I simply don't have the time, so we'll have to make due with the regular tricks =)
This will be available for download on the Playmaker forums hopefully tonight so you can take a look at it yourself and see how it works. Feel free to make comments/questions/suggestions.
*edit for download link:
New Ship!
The new ship block-out is the Falcon, inspired a lot by the Star Citizen Scythe and Avenger ships.One of the things I learned from the last ship is that cockpits have to look awesome, you need to see something happening on the ship from the cockpit seat and that any interesting trinkets or details really help with the feeling of scale.
I tried to address those things in this block-out concept and have a pretty good idea on how to move forward with the shapes to make them ready for functionality and prepped for in-game asset conversion and optimization.
Weapons will be mounted forward on the wings either side, so you'll get a clean view of them while firing and I think it will result in a pretty interesting environment for the pilot and help to ground the players to the ship when playing with the Rift... Nausea is hard to control when you have all these crazy physics inputs to deal with and balance out, so anything static that you can fix your eyes on is helpful.
Let me know what you think!